
Today’s show features special guest Maggie Downie.  She just published a very interesting book called “Keep Moving: Take Steps to Relieve Pain & Improve Your Life”. As such we talked a lot about pain.  What if our traditional thoughts on how to deal with pain or even where it comes from are not accurate?  Are we using pain killers, ice, and rest approaches incorrectly? We discussed lots of interesting research on pain theory and how we can possibly create new pathways in our brains to avoid pain. Maggie also shares how she uses Pilates to help people reduce pain and some of her key tactics.  Finally we hear how Maggie finds her personal wellness balance.  I really enjoyed this show with Maggie and have already been applying some of the strategies we talk about to my daily life.  Below are the resources we discussed in the show.

Resources discussed in this episode:

Personal Euphoria Website

Maggie’s Book

Peeps In Motion Website

Personal Euphoria Facebook Page

Article and Research on Opioids Increasing Pain

Discussed excerpt from Ready to Run by Kelly Starrett where removing orthotics, flip flops, and motion control shoes repair patients’ feet.

Book “Iced, The Ilusionary Treatment” by Gary Reinl

Rubber Hand Experiment

Article by Dr. Joe Tatta on how we can rewire our brain to control pain. 

Amplified Musculoskeltal Pain Syndrome

Henry Beecher

Show With Anna Woods

Interesting article on Scientific American about using virtual reality to help burn victims go through intense treatment.

Forest Bathing

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Categories: PainPodcast

Paul Sandburg

Founder and Director of BOOST Health. I am a long-time student of wellness and fitness and have been working in the industry for nearly 20 years. I have a bachelor’s degree in Human Biology, master’s degree in Business Administration, and am a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) with the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). BOOST Health Mission: To inspire people to live a healthier and more balanced life. BOOST Health Philosophy: Be open-minded and curious. Different wellness programs work for different people and great ideas can come from unexpected sources. Great wellness tactics should not be hidden under preconceived notions. What is BOOST Health? BOOST Health offerings include a weekly blog, weekly podcast, wellness videos, wellness presentations, custom performance apparel, group fitness classes, personal training, phone consultations, healthy recipes, and product reviews.