This is the first part of a three part series with David Hamby, who I proclaim is the “King of Cycle Commuting”.  He has been consistently commuting to and from work nearly daily for 8 years in all seasons and conditions! In this first episode we discuss health benefits, environmental benefits, and some worldwide statistics of cycle commuting, why David started cycle commuting, and lessons learned and tips.

Below are some of the notes and resources we discuss in this first episode:

In a 2011 study in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports did a systematic review of health benefits in cycling and found that individuals who commute to work via bicycle are at lower risk for all-cause mortality and cancer in individuals who were middle-aged and older.  They also found, not surprisingly, that there is strong evidence for improved cardiovascular fitness and moderate evidence for decreased cardiovascular risk for individuals who cycle regularly.

A study that came out earlier this year in the Aging Cell journal found very exciting evidence that cycling (and likely other forms of physical activity) can drastically reduce the ageing process of your immune system.  The study noted that cyclists in their 70’s and 80’s had immune systems that looked more like someone in their 20’s and because of this are more able to fight off infections and possibly even cancer!

In 2017 the British Medical Journal published a massive cohort study on active commuting including bicycle commuting.  They tracked 263,450 men and women over a 5 year period that took part in regular active commuting (walking, cycling, or a combination) to work in England, Scotland, or Wales. The study found that cycle commuting was associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and all cause mortality versus non-active commuters.

A 2000 study in the Archives of Internal Medicine journal found that daily bike commuters have a  40 percent lower risk for all cause mortality than non-cycle commuters 

Cycle Commuting Stats US

These stats according to website and are based on the 2016 US Census Bureau findings. 

51% cycle commuting growth from 2000-2016 nationwide

Top 3 states % commute by bike:

1.Oregon (2.2%) 

2.Montana (1.2%) 

3. Idaho (1.2%)

A couple for us Kansas folks:

  • State of Kansas is ranked 26th and has increased the percentage of bike commuters by 10% 
  • Lawrence, KS has 0.6% of their population bike commuting.  That is 318 out of a population of 95,355.

Cycle Commuting Stats Global

Was not able to glean any worldwide commuter data comparisons but found a few things of interest.

A 2014 article on the Union Cyclist International website claims that Copenhagen, Denmark is the world’s most bike friendly city where 52% of the population cycles for their daily commute!  The city actually has an objective to have over 50% of their population commuting via bike by 2025, and they have already beat that goal. 

According to an article on the website, 2% of people in England and Wales cycled to work as of 2011. 

World Bicycle Relief – Change the world with bicycles

Environment stats at

    Global Cycling Network has 10 tips for cycle commuting 

    Please click the link below to your favourite podcast app to listen in.  I think you will really enjoy it!


    Paul Sandburg

    Founder and Director of BOOST Health. I am a long-time student of wellness and fitness and have been working in the industry for nearly 20 years. I have a bachelor’s degree in Human Biology, master’s degree in Business Administration, and am a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) with the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). BOOST Health Mission: To inspire people to live a healthier and more balanced life. BOOST Health Philosophy: Be open-minded and curious. Different wellness programs work for different people and great ideas can come from unexpected sources. Great wellness tactics should not be hidden under preconceived notions. What is BOOST Health? BOOST Health offerings include a weekly blog, weekly podcast, wellness videos, wellness presentations, custom performance apparel, group fitness classes, personal training, phone consultations, healthy recipes, and product reviews.